Ride Your Bike

You can do anything you set your mind to.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Years' Resolutions

Every year I make this big production of out of my New Years' Resolutions. I have goals and resolutions and post them everywhere! Every year I seem to get disappointed. I plan to revisit the 2010 New Years Resolutions at another time but not today.

Here's what I have learned from this year:
1) Just because someone has labeled you as a runner, cyclist, brat, etc, etc. That doesn't mean that is what you are. I don't mean that badly. I mean you are so many other things. There is no ONE label that defines any of us. Some people would call me crazy (and well, maybe I am) but my mom would call me interesting. Some people would call me a cyclist and others would call me crazy. Whatever your label doesn't mean that is all you are.
2) Sometimes stuff happens. Like the wise Forrest Gump said, "Life's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get." Truer words have never been spoken. When I was young, I had a vision of my life but my life has turned out completely different. Why? Because stuff happens and you change course.
3) Relationships change. Not always for the bad and not always for the good and sometimes they just change. We could sit for hours and try to figure out why. Sometimes they just change. People change and we change. It doesn't mean you don't love or care about those people any less.
4) Being thankful is really the best way to go. This year I have spent a lot more time being thankful than I can ever remember. I am thankful for so many things, just to name a few - a husband who thinks I'm crazy but loves me more because of it, a mom and stepdadwho love me and support me, an older sister who has had a different life than me but now I feel closer to her than ever, in-loves that I have gotten to know much more this year, and some friends that take wonderful care of me even though sometimes that is a FULL time job!!
5) All those things we optionally put in front of our family sometimes really just are not worth the love of your family and friends.
6) This is not something I have just learned but something I am even more aware of...going to church makes you are Christian just as much as being in the garage makes you a car or Jeep. It's your actions. It's your appreciation for what God has given us. Today, I rode my mountain/cross bike in the snow. I felt closer to God and thought more about the gifts I have been given than I have ever done in church. Now, now, I'm not saying going to church is not important, it is. Often, I refer to my friend, Lee's, bumper sticker, JUST BE NICE and I think that is what God wants for us to do. Be nice. Smile at the salesperson at Target or gate guard, say thank you and please, do the right thing even though you don't want to. Yes, this is super simplistic but I don't think things always have to be as complicated as sometimes I make them.
7) Have BIG goals but make sure they are achieveable even if they take ALOT of work. Here's the thing, I am all about dreaming and having dreams and goals. I'm great at it. I know if someone didn't dream up the car, we would still be running around on horses and stuff. I also know that a dream without a plan is just a wish. What does that mean? To me, it means that have a plan to get to your dream/goal. This sounds negative and I don't mean it that way but sometimes we have these unreasonable dreams and we get so disappointed when we don't achieve them. It actually makes everything worse. So, dream as BIG as you want and then make a plan to get there!!!
8) God allows u-turns, detours, and sometimes speeding and going too slow. In May, I was attacked by a dog. I have several scars from it (inside and out). When this happened, I tried to figure out why and then I felt I was given a second chance at life but I wasn't doing anything with it. I got really really sad and depressed. I couldn't ride my bike as much because I hurt and I couldn't do this or that. Finally, after MONTHS, I figured out yes, God allows detours from what I thought I should be doing. There's some plan but sometimes stuff happens.
9) Change is good. It's hard. It's not always fun but it is good in the end.
10) Finally, the biggest thing I think I have learned this year. Mary J. Blige sings a song called "Just Fine." My favorite line in this song are "So, I like what I see when I'm looking at me when I'm walking by the mirror. " This is for everyone but especially women. Like what you see when you look in the mirror. We can always find flaws in our appearance. My legs are flabby, I spend too much time in the sun, I drink too much wine and eat too many carbs, I need to lift more weights...and on and on and on. Oh, and people love to tell you all about your flaws...you are so slow, your legs are so big, you are such a brat, your time at Ironman was so slow - couldn't you go faster, you are this and that. But if you can look in the mirror and like YOU for who you are then that is what is really important. When I look in the mirror, yes, I still see my flaws but I also see a person who is cute, fun, affectionate, funny, sarcastic, has a bum that looks GOOD in some jeans. I see a person who loves her husband, her mother, stepdad, sister, nieces and nephews, in-loves, friends, family. I even see what people think are my flaws and I turn them into good things like...You're legs are so big...yes, they are. However, those legs have pedaled almost 8000 miles this year, taken me through 6 Ironman races, have carried me when my head would have quit. So, while I would like them to be thinner and more muscular, I am very thankful for those legs. DO IT...look in the mirror and see past what you see as flaws and like you. You are beautiful, sexy, hot, handsome and someone loves you!

Oh, last but not least...RIDE YOUR BIKE! It's good for your mind, body and soul. You don't have to go fast and you don't have to have the most expensive stuff either.

1 comment:

Living The Tri Life said...

I haven't made any resolutions this year... yet!!