Ride Your Bike

You can do anything you set your mind to.

Monday, July 27, 2009

24 Hours of Booty

So, earlier this year, my friend, Jimmy D., somehow managed to talk me into doing 24 Hours of Booty. It is a fundraiser for Lance Armstrong Foundation and other cancer research facilities. Basically, you can ride as little or as much as you can around this 3 mile loop while raising money for cancer. Seeing my dad died from cancer, my mom and stepdad have survived other forms of cancer, I thought it would be a good idea.

My goal was to ride 300 miles. However, I actually underestimated riding for 24 hours. I need sleep. Plus I had a great time hanging out with friends. We started riding at 7 pm on Friday, then we had a yummy dinner, and I rode until about 1:30 am. A little nap was called for so I got in my tent and slept until about 3:30 am. Up again to get 27 more miles. I loved riding at night. There were not that many people up and it was quiet. At 5:30 am, I had ate a couple of doughnuts and took another nap until 8 am. After breakfast, Allison and I were able to watch the Tour so we didn't get on our bikes until 10:30 am. We popped back in for lunch and back out to the Booty loop. At this point, I was trying to get 18 miles in at a time. The booty loop is wonderfully shaded so even though it was very hot, it wasn't so bad! Finally, I decide 175 miles is enough but Jimmy had to tell me he had 176 so I had to go out for just one more loop. I ended up with 178.5 miles. Next year, maybe I will try 200 miles.

During the ride, the thought of people with cancer kept me going. Think of the things we can do that people with cancer cannot. I know it sounds hokey but I thought that. I also spent a lot of time thinking about my dad. Sometimes I was angry and sometimes I was happy with him. But all in all, I think it was a worthwhile experience and hope to do it again.

Luckily, I also met some new friends (Carletta, Liz, Marcy, and Terri) and got to see some old ones (Allison and Jimmy). They were so awesome. Carletta really inspired me as she plugged along on her mountain bike for her first metric century. They were always smiling and happy! Jimmy always inspires me as he is always running around doing some crazy mountain bike/ice climbing/whatever else thing. Jimmy is a Type 1 Diabetic and it doesn't slow him down one bit.

Now, back to reality. Today is my day off from working out. I really would like to work out but I need the rest. 426.5 miles in a week is ALOT!!!!!! I need to get back to eating right, exercising, and lifting weights. I am very frustrated at myself for not doing each of these things. It is so hard! But the things I want will not come easy so I must work at it! Hopefully, I can get 300 miles on the bike in this week as we are off to Las Vegas on Sunday. Running must become enjoyable again as Jimmy has challenged me at Goofy's Challenge in January. Plus I hate to look at myself in the mirror as I think middle age is starting to catch up to me. Nothing like looking like a sausage on wheels.

This week's plan:
Tuesday-ride, weights
Thursday-ride, weights

1 comment:

Hua said...

Thank you for sharing your experience as well as being involved in the Lance Armstrong foundation... I hope you enjoyed your self. So, thank you for being an active voice in the Triathlon community. I am the Director of Blogger Relations at Wellsphere and I believe that you would be a valued resource in our HealthBlogger Network, which currently has over 2,600 of the best health writers on the web.

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