Ride Your Bike

You can do anything you set your mind to.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Another day of P90X

Today was legs and back day for P90X. Who knew that your legs could hurt just using your own body weight? Well...they can. I did a few more pull ups than earlier this week. Oh, and the ab workout is NO JOKE! I really think P90X has HUGE potential! The workouts go by fast and you can make modifications if needed. It is only about an hour a day and I waste that watching trash TV.

Earlier today, I taught spinning, ran for 40 minutes and did yoga at the gym with Ginger. More sweating in yoga. My shoulders are sore and I had to take motrin to get through the day. I hope it is just from being sore from P90X and not another shoulder injury.

Tomorrow will be an adventure (more details later) and I hope to get an hour run in and do my P90X workout. I missed one P90X workout this week and I hope to get it in tomorrow too. I would like to take Sunday off.

Since starting this P90X thing this week, I have really tried to eat better. However, I did eat a snack size Kit Kat Halloween bar today. I love Halloween but I hate all the candy everywhere!!!! Well, I really love the candy and that is the problem!

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