Ride Your Bike

You can do anything you set your mind to.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Recently, I bought this machine that converts your negatives, slides, pictures into jpegs.  So, tonight I got it out and scanned a bunch of negatives in.  It was great.  Found lost pictures of our wedding and lots of other fun stuff. 

As I was finishing that up and fixin' to go to bed (and yes, you can be fixin' to go somewhere) I realized I had neglected to check the mail, I walked out and thought how quiet it was, peaceful.  There's a storm brewing so it's warm but quiet and peaceful.  It made me think of when I was young my Dad would say stuff like "listen how quiet it is."  I would think what does he mean?  Surely there is something to do somewhere.  My Dad would also take us on the endless drives that I HATED!!!!  But as I walked out to the mailbox tonight, I realized he was right...it was quiet, peaceful, almost serene.  Just the wind and some neighborhood sounds.  It was comforting that just for a second it was serene.  Everything was the way it was supposed to be.  Everyone and everything seemed at peace.  I walked in, grabbed the laptop and came outside to ponder this. 

Here's what I think it is...we are all so busy rushing around, trying to be whatever we think we are supposed to be, trying to do the right things, trying to be the right person, trying to impress people who could really care less, trying to get whatever it is that we think has to be done right this second done, that we totally forget what quiet and peaceful is like.  We don't pause and think how peaceful this is.  Maybe my Pop saw that and appreciated it.  Now, I am older I appreciate it.  It is comforting to know that for just a brief moment that it is peaceful and all is okay.  You are okay.  And for that brief moment you can appreciate that, you appreciate God or whatever it is that works for you.  And maybe you think, like I do, OMG, my Dad was right.  So, just stop for a brief moment and listen to the quiet, feel peaceful and really appreciate it.  I think you will be glad you did.

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