Ride Your Bike

You can do anything you set your mind to.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day Off

Everything was going great this week and WHAM...So, my schedule is off already for this week.
So, I decided to take a rest day today and try to give my shoulder a chance to feel a little better. Plus my legs were starting to feel tired and the high today is only 34! I rode Monday with my friend, Ginger. Tuesday was super busy, I taught 4 spin classes, rode to gym, lifted with Doodle, and ran a mile.

Yesterday, I took the GRE...let's just say I will be taking it for a third time. It really bummed me out. I taught spin class after work. Friday, I hope to lift, run and swim before work. Saturday, I hope to ride and swim. Sunday, it will be almost 70 after barely getting above freezing today so I hope to ride!

My motivation is a little lacking but slowly but surely I hope to get back to normal before too long. I am working on it. I actually really miss getting up early and working out. I felt so much better about myself! It helps that I have committed to going to the gym with Doodle twice a week. I hope to commit to swimming a few days with my friend, Ginger, too! I am consider hiring a coach starting in March to do even better at IM Canada. With the economy, it will be hard work to keep affording coaching but I know it will be worth it!

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