Ride Your Bike

You can do anything you set your mind to.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Irish Luck

So, I am not really Irish but my husband is (a long way back). Somehow, however, after almost 12 years of marriage, I now have Irish Luck! :)

The past few days I have been convinced God is testing me. There have been some troubling words from people, feeling like people think I am stupid, lack of motivation and finally it happened...the third thing...I was test riding my single speed at work yesterday and came around the corner and noticed a dent in my Jeep's bumper. No note, of course. Yes, this is the second time someone has hit my bumper. BUMMER! Luckily, I have good insurance and will only have to pay my deductible. It is only a Jeep and it can repaired. I am hoping that is my third thing for now...

My ride today got cancelled because my friend, Pat, had to work and the wind is supposed to be gusting at 20-30 mph. I might try to ride this afternoon. I really want to get in my 200 miles this week and I am not sure how I am going to do it. On my way to the gym to run and swim since I missed my swim yesterday.

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