Ride Your Bike

You can do anything you set your mind to.

Monday, February 9, 2009

This week...

This week's plan
Tuesday-run, weights, teach 4 spin classes, bike to gym
Wednesday-swim, run, teach 1 spin class
Friday-swim, run

Figured I need to take one day off a week to feel good. Yesterday, my quads were not happy so I decided today was the easiest to take off. We were off on Mondays for most of January and February but back to work today.

Yesterday, I rode with the club on a supposed "Sunday social ride." By now, I should know better. After pulling two different people up to the group on two different occasions, I got dropped. It sucked. What can I do but try harder next time? However on the up side, I was thankful as one of my friends I was riding with got sort of sick and had to stop so I was thankful to be with him. We had taken a short cut and the group caught us towards the end. The good news is I got in 60 miles. It was a beautiful day for riding and I also got to wash my Jeep.

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